Thursday, 26 June 2014

Why Yoda needs a slap

"Do or do not. There is no try." - Yoda, The Empire Strikes Back

In case you haven't heard this oft-repeated phrase, or you just want to see it again:

I love Yoda. He's a cute ball of Jedi-awesome. But this phrase really gets my dander up.

There is no try. Translation: if you know you can succeed, great. If you're unsure, better go home buddy, coz failure ain't holding no truck here.

How do we stretch, how do we learn, grow or develop when we don't dare to do anything we're not certain we'll succeed at? Was Picasso perfect with his first brush strokes? Did Einstein produce the Theory of Relativity without so much as a typo? Did Cruise flash a flawless smile for his first photo-op? Okay, probably he did.

Failure isn't just an option. It's a privilege.

What do you think? Am I being too hard on the little emerald imp? Or should someone deliver a very respectful slap to his wrinkled green face?

Or try anyway.


  1. Interesting. I've always read this a little differently. When someone says "I'll try" it always sounds to me as though they've already decided they'll fail BEFORE they try. If you're going into something with no preconception you don't say you'll try, you just do it and see what happens.

    1. Interesting angle. I hadn't thought of it that way. Good point!

  2. The Harbinger of Marshmallows27 June 2014 at 13:19

    I rather agree with AH above. At that point in the film, Yoda is teaching Luke the ways of the Force. Luke is struggling because of his disbelief, his doubt. In that context, I understand "try" as acting without conviction. Luke's halfheartedness guarantees failure, because there is no middle ground when using the Force.

    Naturally, the real world operates differently. "Do or do not" is not always applicable or appropriate. In our lives, "try" not only exists, but can exist as a legitimate course of action.

    I do frequently tell myself to "do or do not" in my own life. I find it motivating and encouraging, instilling in me a "git 'er done" or "can do" sort of attitude. It reminds me to act with strength, and conviction, regardless of the possible or perceived outcomes. Even when I fail, I know I did my very best.

    That said, if Yoda's words are not beneficial to you, then by all means reject them. It is reasonable for each of us to pick and choose what works for us within our own contexts, discarding that which holds us back.

  3. Hi HoM,

    Thanks for taking the time to respond. Funnily enough I cut the snippet below out before posting. I take it from the comments that it would be more accurate for me to say that it's /me/ applying the wisdom out of context, rather than any larger group of people.

    Really good to know. Thanks again for sharing.

    (Another way entirely to look at this is that Yoda said to Luke exactly what he needed to hear at that moment in time. This would make him an excellent coach and it's our own fault for applying this wisdom out of context.)

    1. The Harbinger of Marshmallows28 June 2014 at 19:09

      Yo. We seem to understand one another. :-)

    2. Amazing! Two posts in and already the world is more awesome! :-)

      (yep, 2 folk understanding each other is awesome in my books. Baby steps...)
