Thursday, 10 July 2014

Don't give up.

"The road is long, with many a winding turn." - He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother, The Hollies

Do you ever feel like you've bitten off more than you can chew? That perhaps, you've taken a step too far? That you don't have what it takes? I know I've felt like that on more than one occasion.

It's easy to give up.

There can be minor or temporary upsets. Maybe the conditions aren't quite right. You're tired or you've got a cold. The car broke down again.

Then there are bigger worries: strains on loved ones and family ties, money concerns.

Maybe you're wondering what the point is. All this extra effort, is it worth it?

Don't give up.

Starting something new, creating something valuable and amazing can be really hard. Seeing it through can be harder still.

I've barely started this blog and already there have been times of self-doubt. There nearly wasn't a post today.

I've thought about giving up but I'm not going to, because I don't want you to give up. I don't yet know who exactly you are, but if my suspicions are right you want to do big things; things that a part of your brain tells you can't be done, at least by you.

I know those feelings. I'm still having them. Let's get through it together.

Here are some things that have helped me:

  • Aspire to the works and results of others, but don't be put off by their success; you cannot know what they have done to get where they are, nor do you know where you can get to if you persevere.
  • Ride the wave. Recognise and harness momentum when it comes, ease into the uphill slogs.
  • Draw strength from those around you. Find the people who understand what you're doing and will support you.
  • Focus on the outcomes. Remember why you started this in the first place. 
  • Act as if you've already succeeded, at least in the short term. Act this way and failure becomes less of a choice. (For one example, see immediately below)

Next week I'll share a tip or two for bolstering willpower (see what I did there?). Until then, please leave a comment if you've got a tip to share for pushing on, or if you just want a few words of encouragement from someone who's also in the middle of their journey.


  1. I like the last point which is similar to "fake it until you make it" which has got me through some interesting times, particularly in a business sense. I rely on that mantra in stressful work situations!

  2. I really like your first tip Adam. We can't do what other people have done because we can't be someone else. We can only be the best version of ourselves that we can manage at the time - and that isn't the same ALL the time. Sometimes I'm lazy, selfish, crass, impatient, judgemental etc., etc., but I know that I can also be and do things that I'm proud of and that's worth making an effort for every day - not to please other people but to please myself.
    I'm glad you made the effort to post again today - it makes a difference to me and I'm already looking forward to the next one. Making a commitment to yourself is very powerful! :)
