Thursday, 3 July 2014

Reduce stock and win

"This is heavy" - Marty McFly, Back to the Future

Stock drags.

Stock could mean actual stock of products or components. It could mean incomplete projects, untold stories, or ideas not yet recorded. Anything that has value only as part of a greater process or transaction can be considered stock.

Unsold goods require storage. Unfinished projects take care and attention. Ideas can be distracting until they've been noted. Some stories want and need to get out so much it can hurt to keep them in.

There are costs in each of these things. Reduce the stock and reduce the costs.


  1. Adam, this is rapidly becoming one of those blogs I seek out every day. The insights are inspiring. You seem to be speaking directly to me and I suspect a lot of other people will feel the same. You have a real talent for exploring ideas and emotions through your writing.

    1. Thank you Ann, your encouragement means a great deal. I'd be utterly delighted if my writing could help others in any small way.

  2. The Harbinger of Marshmallows8 July 2014 at 15:50

    I think I'm getting stuck on the language of stock, perhaps because I'm not an entrepreneur or business person. That said, when you invoke "stock," I think you’re using it in the same way that I use the word "clutter".

    When I say clutter, I mean the physical or emotional stuff that is either unloved, taking up too much space, or lying unfinished. Clutter takes up space (physical or emotional or both), leaving less room for those things that sustain, nourish, better, or motivate us. Clutter often exhausts, distracts, or depletes us.

    Reduce the stock (clutter) and reduce the (associated physical or emotional) costs.

    Am I understanding you correctly?

    1. That's pretty much exactly what I meant!

      Thanks for reaching out for clarification.

    2. The Harbinger of Marshmallows9 July 2014 at 15:36

      Thanks for indulging me. I like to be sure I understand what I'm reading. :)
